lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011

Presente Perfecto - Present Perfect

El presente perfecto se usa en el idioma inglés para narrar hechos que ya han ocurrido en un momento no específico del pasado, y que pueden o no estar continuando en el presente. El verbo en presente perfecto, o present perfect en inglés, se construye con el verbo auxiliar have o has, si es en tercera persona, hesheit, más el participio del verbo, past participle, también conocido como 3ª colomn (tercera columna)
Brevemente: sujeto + have/has + verbo (pasado participio)
  • Ejemplos:
He comido una manzana. → I have eaten an apple.
Me ha comprado un coche. → He has bought me a car.
sujeto + haven't/ hasn´t + verbo (pasado participio)
No me ha llevado al zoológico. → He hasn´t given me a lift to the zoo.
Ellos no han estudiado para el examen. → They haven´t studied for the test.
Have/has + sujeto + verbo (pasado participio)?
¿Cuantas veces has visto esa película? → How many times have you seen that film?
¿Cuál ha sido la mejor película que has visto? → Which has been the best film you have ever seen?

Present perfect con for y since

"For" y "since" sirven para delimitar el tiempo de la acción del verbo. "For" tiene el significado de durante y "since", desde.
  • Ejemplos:
He vivido aquí durante 4 años. → I have lived here for four years
He vivido aquí desde 2004. → I have lived here since 2004
No he estudiado durante ocho años. → I haven´t studied for eight years
No he estudiado desde 2002. → I haven´t studied since 2002

Present perfect con already, yet y just

"For" y "since" establecen cuando se ha concluido la acción mientras que alreadyjust y yet.
  • Already: ya
  • Just: acabar de
  • Yet: todavía no, aun
Ya he hecho mis deberes. →I have already done my homework
Acabo de hacer mis deberes. → I have just done my homework
Todavía no he hecho mis deberes. → I haven't done my homework yet

Present perfect con ever
Ever significa siempre y se usa para expresar lo más interesante, lo más divertido que siempre he leído, visto, oído...
Se usa frecuentemente en preguntas. También sirve para preguntar sobre alguna "experiencia".
  • Ejemplos:
¿Cuál ha sido el libro más interesante que has leído? → What has been the most interesting book you have ever read?
¿Alguna vez en tu vida has estado en España? → Have you ever been in Spain?
¿Alguna vez en tu vida has tomado Tequila? → Have you ever drunk Tequila?
¿Ha estado ella alguna vez en Cancún? → Has she ever been in Cancun?
¿Alguna vez en su vida ha alimentado a un león? → Has he/she ever fed a lion?

  • Diana has slept until 6 o’clock.
    Has Diana slept until 6 o'clock?
    Diana has not slept until 6 o'clock.
  • I have considered the possibility of travelling abroad.
    Have I considered the possibility of travelling abroad?
    I have not considered the possibility of travelling abroad.
  • Sally has thought about her job.
    Has Sally thought about her job?
    Sally has not thought about her job.
  • The director has arranged an important meeting.
    Has the director arranged an important meeting?
    The director has not arranged an important meeting.
  • My mother has written a lot of letters to the Governor.
    Has my mother written a lot of letters to the Governor?
    My mother has not written a lot of letters to the Governor.
  • Tom and Mary have enjoyed the movie.
    Have Tom and Mary enjoyed the movie?
    Tom and Mary have not enjoyed the movie.
  • I have made many mistakes in the exam.
    Have I made many mistakes in the exam?
    I have not made many mistakes in the exam.
  • Sarah has made a delicious dinner.
    Has Sarah made a delicious dinner?
    Sarah has not made a delicious dinner.
  • I have tried to do the exercises.
    Have I tried to do the exercises?
    I have not tried to do the exercises.
  • She has listened the concert on the radio.
    Has she listened the concert on the radio?
    She has not listened the concert on the radio.

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